
No Balance Pt 1 - Bara Kuro's Tale

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Setting Time of the Third Great Shinobi War

The canyon was deadly silent as the Team of young ninja hide waiting.  Shinobu leaned around a rock watching, he could feel the spy approaching and the chakra of four other ninja hiding in the area.  Glancing round he could not see his young team but knew they were ready or they would not have been given this A rank mission.  Controversy was something this shinobi was used too but he and the Third Hokage had talked about it in depth when the choice was made to add two kuniochi to this Team.  He had come to like Goro's answer to the inquiry "there are two on this Team, could have fooled me?"  

To those that supported it Bara's skills had put her in a different group then most kuniochi's.  The young girl had already proven she could kill, something many of the other girls had seemed to struggle with.  Along with that was the ferocious way she could do it.  The other thing that set her apart from other kunoichi's was the apparent lack of interest in boys, or at least as much as Shinobu had seen.  With Mariko on the team as well he had enough of that to handle as that one got stars in her eyes over several of the boys.  

Bara sat her back pressed to the rock she hide behind.  The large hat she wore kept her eyes and her vision dark and shadowy except for a light lime like glow.  Her mind focused away from her teammates and to the others around them and on the one approaching.  His mind was nervous, she could see the world through his eyes as he glanced around looking for an ambush.  Suspicion had forced the Third months ago to ask Bara to do something she hated, spy on those in the Village.  But through it she had been able to pick up on the hidden spy so that this meeting could be stopped.  Even now as she listened to his mind she could see and nearly feel him nervously shifting the envelope in his hand.  His thoughts drifting over the contents as he spotted in the distance his meeting point.

Shinobu's thoughts were pulled back to the present as he could hear the spy stopping in the canyon.  The four sets of eyes watched from their hiding places as one of the Sand ninja's came out of hiding to meet up with the man.  Shinobu was working to plan his next move when as the spy handed the Sand ninja an envelop a flicker in the air pulled Shinobu's attention, damn the girl they still did not know where the other ninjas were.  But then he also knew she knew exactly where they were.  The two men jumped apart as a six pointed shuriken caught the envelop taking it from their hands and pinning it to the opposite side of the canyon.  Both men seemed very confused as they looked around, it had come so fast from nowhere.  

Shinobu braced he knew what was coming next.  Sure enough a flash of motion shot up into the air to fast to even see till in a flip Bara dove down landing between the men with a spinning kick that sent both men flying.  As the spin stopped Bara was crouched low her head tilted down the large hat she wore hiding her face.  The men quickly got to their feet looking at the girl, stunned one laughing "what we are being attacked by a girl?"  The spy looked at the youth then paused looking at the Sand ninja "watch out, look the black rose on her hat.  That is not just any girl attacking us."  He had been in the Leaf Village long enough to have learned about this child and her clan.  Shi Bara the whispers called her already.

Up on the edge of the Canyon a second team of Leaf ninja lay watching, they had been sent as back up should it be needed as it had been unknown who or how many they would be meeting up with.  As Bara seized the opening to try and retrieve the stolen information Minato smiled "it always surprises me the power she packs in her attacks, even just throwing that shuriken."  Kakashi lay beside him snorting "she is foolish, Shinobu Sensei has not given a signal for the attack."  Minato looked at his student "we do not know what they had set but, I suspect you are right.  Though Shinobu is used to dealing with her and her unpredictability is a strength."  

Obito and Rin looked at him from the other side, Rin asking "but should a girl really be leading the attack?"  Minato continued to smile "Rin, never let the fact Bara is a girl mislead you.  That girl, has killed more then many boys with her own hands at a young age and stands easily toe to toe with Goro in a sparing fight."  

Obito was wide eyed "so she has really killed that many already, but she is still young."  Minato nodded "yes, the mission should have only been a C rank but we did not have all the details so it changed.  In defense of Mariko she cut down a rogue ninja without a moment of hesitation.  But in truth she is only young in age and not mind.  She has a lot of promise even with her quarks."  

Rin turned to watch the fight "she is the one with the sight correct?"  Minato again nodded "yes, she has the Inner Eye but her Sensei says she is reserved in using it."  Kakashi looked at him "why would she not use it all the time.  From what I understand she would be able to read all her enemies minds with it."  

Minato looked at him "because she would also be able to read all her allies minds as well.  I suspect there is also more to it.  Her Father had it as well so perhaps it is an association with him that makes it hard or a fear to it.  We cannot know and she will not talk about it."  Kakashi looked down "so an honor thing?"  Minato nodded "I suspect, it is an awesome power to have and one easily abused.  But as I said till she opens up to someone we will not fully understand it.  But she has it and can use it when needed, that will only help her develop and when she reaches a point she uses it more she will pass many in the ranks."  

Obito sighed "must be nice to have your clans kekki genki.  I know if I had mine there would be no hesitation to use it."  Rin smiled "there still could be a chance Obito you are still young."  He smiled "yes."  The group settled to keep an eye on the fight.

The two ninja looked at each other over the girl standing up between them then as a team attacked.  Bara watched as the men came measuring the distance, then in a move she lept up her legs stretching out into a splits and landed on the charging men's shoulders.  In a moved she threw herself forward rolling into a flip a hand reaching out and grabbing each man's shirt as she continued the flip using the speed and momentum of it to throw both men before landing on her feet.  

Goro grumbled from his hiding place "show off."  Breaking from cover he charged the closest man but dodged suddenly as a kunei and a paper bomb landed where he was getting ready to step.  Another ninja appeared weaving some signs before breathing a massive fire ball at the boy.  Goro weaving his own signs called up a wall of rock to block the attack "not a chance."

From the ledge the three younger ninja's watched with large eyes as the Kuro girl managed the difficult tiajutsu move for someone twice her weight.  Minato nodded "well done, but she will have to work harder they know not to underestimate her again."  

Obito looked at his Sensei "I have never seen a girl do that move but she made it look effortless."  Minato laughed "it is very hard and she does it with a lot more grace and finesse then I have seen it done."  Kakashi humphed again "still reckless, if she had waited for her Sensei's instruction then she would not be fighting two of them on her own."  Minato smiled at him "jealous?"  

Kakashi bristled looking at his Sensei "as if I would be jealous of a girl and a foolish one at that."  Obito smiled "I have to admit I am a little jealous, she is like you Kakashi and it all just seems to come easy to her.  She is something to watch though not as pretty as Rin."  Rin blush "no, no Obito she is very much prettier then me."  Minato smiled at Rin "in truth you are both pretty just in different ways is all."  Rin smiled "I can accept that."  

Down in the canyon Shinobu and Mariko left their hiding spots.  But both were stopped in their attempts to aid the others by the attacks of another pair of hidden ninjas.  Mariko easily danced around the attacks pulling her short sword and deflecting a few of the stars as they came.  Shinobu dodged and attacked.  

Bara glanced around taking note of where her comrades were and what they had to deal with, as well as the presents of the other team on the rim.  But her attention could not stay way long as the flicker of metal called her attention back as both men pulled swords.  In a liquid motion she drew her own rainbow metal sword and a rainbow  metal kunei.  

Kakashi moved a little to lean forward and get a better look "Sensei what is she fighting with?"  Minato looked and nodded "her family weapons, they are chackra metal but something about her family's chakra flowing through them had colored them."  Rin smiled "they are pretty."  Obito nodded in agreement.  

This time as the men came at her the expression changed on Bara's face and any emotion in it disappeared as in a smooth motion she entered melee with both men the blade and surface of her weapon increasing as she let her wind chakra flow into them.  With flips, spins, kicks and blades she danced around and between the men.  When one moved to catch an opening she moved her arm the blade passing through the large draped bell sleeve before she twisted her arm wrapping the fabric around the blade trapping it.  Looking up as the flip she was in pulled off her wide hat intense bright green glowing eyes met the one man's eyes and fear filled his face.  As she came down from the flip her legs had been together.  At just the right moment they snapped apart and her calves caught either side of the other man's neck.  

Goro was in a battle with the fire natured ninja hurling rocks as he struggled to dodge the fire attacks.  The intensity of his fire was not as strong as Bara's but he was better at it and had far more attacks then she did.  

Mariko was darting around the wall of the canyon as her attacker was an earth style user.  She could not get close enough to attack with her sword and not being very skilled at battle style jutsus avoiding was her best bet.  But suddenly the tall side of the canyon crumbled under her as the man called up a rock slide to either crush her or bring her to him she screamed.

Shinobu cursed as he struggled to get free of his attacker but the man was good and likely the leader of this band.  Looking over he looked at Bara "Bara!  Mariko!"  As she had already picked up on his thoughts with her Inner Eye active she snapped into motion.  With a very violent move she jerked the one ninja that her sleeve had trapped his sword towards her and striking him in the chest with her hand infused with chakra she pushed off him rolling her body.  Her infused hand punching a hole in the man's chest as she pushed.

There was a sickening crack as her locked legs broke the other man's neck.  But the action sliced her arm along the trapped sword as it cut through the fabric.  She did not have the luxury of time to carefully unwrap it.  Continuing the motion from the roll she landed on her feet before moving at a very quick pace to leap up the falling rocks.  She had to move slower then she would have liked as they shifted the moment she touched them.  Just as she was about to reach Mariko a pillar shot out of the ground beside her nearly knocking her into the falling rocks.  But with a great show of will she kept her feet and looking at Mariko as she lept to her she yelled "Mariko when I land you vault."  The other girl looked like she was about to protest but as Bara landed she dropped to a knee and locking her hands looked at her friend "now, no arguing."  The other girl growled but ran at her and with a chakra infused assist was tossed high into the air out and away from the slide.  

The man attacking started to weave signs but Bara leaping backwards from rock to rock wove her own signs and started flinging ice stars at the man "no you don't, you want to pick on someone you pick on me."  Turning he laughed "happily."  Sharp rocks started assaulting Bara and it was getting harder for her to keep clear of the continually falling rocks.  As one finally struck her making her cry out and nearly miss her landing on the next rock Minato looked at his team "time to help."  

Shinobu had just put down his enemy when he started to move to help Bara but the flash of gold and white he caught told him help was coming to her.  So turning he moved to help Goro as Obito joined him.  Goro had just lowered the last wall of earth he had raised to guard again the last fire attack when Obito landed beside him.  Glancing at the lad "so we had back up?"  Obito a kunei in hand nodded as he and Shinobu with Goro quickly finished the one ninja.

Bara's footing had just set when she was suddenly lifted and flying through the air again but in someone's arms.  Bara stunned her concentration having been else where looked back at the falling rocks and saw Minato appear out of nowhere to cut the man down.  Now with both her arms burning in pain she looked up  with near dread at who had rescued her.  And was not shocked to see a familiar masked face and white hair, Kakashi.  

Not that she was not grateful to be saved from being crushed, but there was an irritation in being save by him verse one of the others as he had always been so critical of her and arrogant about his accomplishments.  Perhaps it was her inability to stay within the rules that made her fight so much with rule mongers like him.  Instantly she looked back down her mind settling on overcoming the immense pain she was in from her arms.

Kakashi had made the move to grab Bara leaving Minato open to take out the skilled shinobi.  Picking Bara up was very different from the times he had rescued Rin as Bara was a little taller and the moment his arms settled under her he realized much more solidly build then Rin.  But she was still light enough the youth could leap with ease with her.  He knew from the fact she had kept both her arms close to her body they had to be hurting.  He still could not help but obsess over the fact if she had waited perhaps this would not have been needed but she had been following orders to save the other girl.  He did not dislike the girl, her quick intellect and skill had his respect but her wild nature and tendancy to dance on the edge of the rule drove him crazy.  

The pair landed at a point the others were gathering at.  Shinobu retrieving the envelop from the canyon wall before joining them.  Kakashi set Bara on her feet but had to move to wrap an arm around her waist as she sank to the ground under the weight of the pain.  Mariko and Rin both moved to the other girl each taking an arm even as Bara grimacing weakly protested "they will be alright, just give me a few moments to rest."  

Shinobu walked over looking at the girls then at Bara.  He shook his head "Bara girl, suck it up and let them heal your arms.  Those are deep wounds.  You fought well, no need to keep fighting when it is your comrades helping you.  No weakness in being human and I would tell you that even if you were a boy."  Minato smiled looking at her "you have impressive skills Bara as a shinobi, but if we do not stop the bleeding you will not live to show us the true power of a fighting style kuniochi."  

Bara sat still but looked off to the side and down at the ground her eyes closing a moment as the intense green of them subsided and her natural none glowing green ones appeared.  Kakashi moved the moment he felt she had the strength to keep herself upright and stood up behind her.  He looked at her kneeling each of the medics with an arm working to heal the wounds.  Rin worked on her shoulder wound, a deep puncture.  

Bara's mind was swimming, cloudy mess with the pain.  She had no ability to focus and the strange feeling of others touching her made her all the more aware of the fact she could not focus away from it.  Only Sayuri and Mariko touched her regularly in anything that was not confrontational.  The feeling of the medical nin was familiar but the presents and lingering feeling of of someone outside her teams touch was strange.  Bara was not unfamiliar with others near her, her family had been an affectionate one but it had been years since she had let anyone mentally or physically get close to her short of her sister.  

Kakashi looked at the angry deep hole, he had not realized the strike had been that solid.  He knew male chunin that would have gone down from a strike like that.  His eyes moved to her other arm that Mariko was unwrapping from her normal bandage wrap to reveal a long deep sword cut the length of her forearm that had already stained her hand in her own blood.  Again it was impressive she had been able to preform for as long as she had at the level she was.  Glancing up he could see the depth of her wounds was not lost on Minato sensei as well for his blue eyes were large and concerned.  

Obito walked over to stand beside Kakashi rubbing at his eyes as he always seemed to be doing.  Whispering "I am not sure I could have kept fighting with wounds like those."  Kakashi looked at him also whispering "I know you would not have been able to continue."  Obito looked at him irritated but sighed "yah.  But did you see her moving around those rocks, it will not be long before they make her a jonin."  Kakashi looked at the other boy "not unless she stops being so reckless.  Bara is known for dancing if not jumping the rules."  Obito looked at Kakashi "you and your stupid rules, really you cannot tell me you were not amazed at her skill.  When have you ever seen a kuniochi with half the skill of her's that was not Tsunade of the Three Great Sannin."  Kakashi looked at him then looked away "I have not but then girls just should not be able to fight like that."  

Kakashi was no different then many of the male shinobi, to see a girl or woman in the fight and in danger drew a protective streak in them and it was simply easier to keep them in support roles.  But he knew that Bara was overflowing with far to much raw talent to be kept there and the fire in her personality did not help with that at all.  He had not had that many missions with this team as with himself and Bara both being viewed as prodigies few missions called for so much talent.  But the ones he had been on had made the young man struggle for reasons he could not understand.  He felt the need to keep track of Bara just in case she got in over her head which had never happened, till this day.  

Minato had seemed to find a humor in the fact Kakashi and Bara always seemed to ram heads when they had had missions together.  Unlike Obito who also butted heads with Kakashi Bara was able to stand toe to toe with Kakashi just like Goro when it came to blows.  The fact only fueled Kakashi's complaints that flowed when they shared missions.  Minato had his suspicions to that cause but never voiced them to the youths.  

Minato and Shinobu walked off to the side a little as the girls worked.  Taking the envelop they opened it to see what had been leaked.  Both where surprised to find some Anbu records in the envelop of spies they had out from the Leaf in other Villages.  Minato looked at his friend "it is good you all were able to keep this from leaving or we could have lost a lot of good people."  Shinobu nodded "if even one of them had gotten away we would have had to work hard to get our people out."  He looked over to Bara "she must have known and that was why she attacked in the way she did."  

Minato nodded and looked at the wounded girl "she is remarkable but I imagine hard on your nerves."  Shinobu smiled and looked at his friend "you have no idea, not only is she my student but I feel the need to watch over her for her father."  Minato smiled "he would have been very proud of her, she is more then he dreamed she would have been."  Shinobu nodded "I agree."  Minato glanced at Kakashi "but she is hard on the nerves of those embedded in the fundamentals and rules."  Shinobu glanced at the White Fang's son "he is still drowning himself in them is he.  His father was a hero and only the fools to old to remember what depth you can feel for comrade looked down on him."  Minato nodded "yes I agree but he has not reached a point he can deal with that yet."  Shinobu sighed "with luck he will find it."  

As the girls finished wrapping Bara's wounds Goro moved to pick her up under her arms and set her on her feet looking at her "you good Bara?"  Bara moved her arms wincing just a little now nodded "yep, thank you."  Shinobu smiled the adrenaline of the fight gone Bara was back to her calmer, slightly more reasonable self.  Shinobu and Minato walked back over to the groups looking at the youths Shinobu spoke "for now Bara you will ride on Goro's back..."  He raised a hand to stop the protest "you are still weak from blood loss and it will still take us more time then we have light so we need to move as much as we can before stopping to set up camp for the night."  Even as Bara glared at him Shinobu moved and picking up the girl set her on Goro's back.  The older lad looked huge under her form but laughed "come on Bara look at it this way, you are helping me train for bettering my endurance."  Bara sighing hide her face in the boy's back shaking her head "just shut up Goro and lets get going so I can get this over with."  Mariko gave a bubbly laugh and Bara snapped "you shut up as well Mariko."  Shinobu smiled but managed not to laugh as he looked at Minato and the group took off.
So I finally have it to a point I am ready to start sharing the tale of one of my favorite OCs.  The story is set in the Third Great Ninja War but will definitely be an Alternate Timeline story.  

Bara and Sayuri Kuro are the only remaining known survivors of a small clan within the Leaf. 

Naruto is owned by Masashi Kishimoto
Bara and Sayuri Kuro are my OCs
© 2014 - 2024 Drageach13
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